In recent months we have been facing a unexpected and new situation, which very often brought with it anxiety and fear. Sometimes we feel the effects of a stressful experience only after the emergency is over. In other cases, one remains tense because uncertainty Of not knowing what will happen continues to disturb us. At the same time. we would like to be better off, achieve goals and fully re-enter our lives.HYPNOSIS FOR ANXIETY AND FEAR
Anxiety and fear are complex experiences that contain many things. While these experiences may be common to many people, everyone will experience something different. So a course of hypnotic psychotherapy is unique for each person, individualized, specific:- It is designed to be a short therapeutic course of about 12 sessions.
- Hypnosis is a natural way our mind works that we all experience (e.g., at the movies, while driving, while playing sports). It is used here to achieve the person's wellness goals.
- Specific goals are set together. After four or five sessions there is a time to review progress.
- Meetings last about 50 minutes; the frequency could initially be weekly, imagining modification along the way.
Meetings can be held Both in a physical location and online, and the mode may vary according to the needs of the moment. Our studios are located in Rome (Prenestino Collatino area) and to Aprilia in the province of Latina. For make an appointment or have more information you can fill out the form at the bottom of the page or call 3355428039.
In coordination with the European Society of Hypnosis (ESH) we are conducting research to evaluate the effectiveness of the pathway in treating different types of disorders. In case you are willing to participate in research You will receive a questionnaire via e-mail at the beginning and end of the treatment course.
The cost of each session is € 70.00, in case of research participation € 60.00. Considering the particular moment we live in, we have made available a limited number of pro-bono sessions, making a video recording of the session for study purposes. Therefore, we ask you to notify us of your needs and we will evaluate possible solutions together.SEND YOUR CONTACT REQUEST OR ASK FOR AN APPOINTMENT
After the message is sent you will receive a response by e-mail or be contacted again if the phone contact is included.